Man, was this week of school a weird one as far as our weather was concerned. At the first of the week, it was nice and warm with temperatures around 70 degress. We enjoyed those beautiful days outside at recess. Thank goodness we did though because two days later, the temperature dropped to about 30 degrees. Cold, cold, cold. So cold in fact, that we decided to stay inside for recess. It was alright though, staying inside is fun, at least for a slight change. We got to get out some of the games in the cabinet and play. I, Mr. Boyer, cleaned house in a nice game of WAR with Pedro and Chase. I think they let me win. They didn't want to hurt my feelings. How nice of them. There was a competitive and VERY LOUD game of Twister, which I eventually had to put a stop to because of the noisiness. Harry Potter UNO was also a hot game to play. Our classroom LEGO set also got a lot of use during our recesses. I think I could possibly play with LEGOs all day long. They are so much fun.
Well, I have a feeling our nice days are gone for a while. We'll just have to get ready to bundle ourselves up in coats and deal with the chill, while out at recess. I don't think we could take having a recess indoors every day. We'd all go crazy.