Aliens Invade the U.S.

This year our 4th grade program was a little different from years past. The program covered our Social Studies curriculum as we journey through the 50 U.S. states. This year, our program was invaded by aliens who have come to earth looking for a place to inhabit. It was the job of our tour guides from each region to host the aliens and with the help of others, give some facts about each region of the United States.
The aliens came to earth in their "high tech" spaceship complete with lights, sounds, and smoke.
The whole 4th grade worked really hard to make this program a success. After practicing for weeks during Music, P.E., and Integrated times, their hard work paid off the night of the performance. Everyone postively contributed to our show, including we 4th grade teachers who performed a "song and dance" routine. It seemed to be more scary than the aliens.
The aliens were treated to many things throughout the U.S. They were shown the Turkey Buzzard Line Dance and also the Hawaiian puili stick routine, complete with rump shaking hula dancers.

Overall, the program was a great success and we received many rave reviews about the production. My hat goes off to all the hard work our 4th grade students demonstrated to bring the audience a wonderful performance.

Thanks to Jordan C. for the pictures.