SuperKids - November

It's the end of the month before taking a few days off for Thanksgiving break. This also marks the end of the SuperKids term for the month of November. Our celebration for this month gave us the opportunity to lay back, relax, and watch a movie. The fifth grade gathered in Mr. Boyer's classroom in front of the large screen Promethean Board to watch the movie "Horton Hears a Who".  It was nice to have an afternoon to enjoy the rewards from our good behavior through the month of November. Congratulations to this month's SuperKids award winners: Gavin, Cassie, Aaron, Nathan, Logan , Brayden, Lex, Joss, Emily, Ajay, and George.

SuperKids - October

This past Thursday, the 5th graders had their SuperKids celebration for the month of October. Each class had about 12 students who earned the right to participate in the afternoon's activities. This SuperKids celebration was a Halloween Cookie Decorating Contest. Students were given the opportunity to decorate their Halloween cookie in any way that they wanted, however there were categories in which their classmates would judge their creations.

Awards were:
Best in Show
Best Halloween Cookie
Most Yummy
Most Creative
Best Use of Candy
Teacher's Choice

Upon finishing their creations and submitting them for the contest, students then got to eat their cookie designs. Before the Halloween parties, all of those who participated in the SuperKids celebration had the opportunity to vote for their favorites in each category.

Halloween is Coming

A little message to everyone from the 5th grade teachers.

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SuperKids - September

This month was a long month with a lot of days at school. We really had to work hard to earn the SuperKids goal for the month. We had to have 12 punches on our card as well as not have any Minor Offense Reports or less than two Think Sheets. For all of us who did make this goal, we got to have a Rock Band party. Mr. Boyer brought his Wii and was able to hook it up to the Promethean Board and we took turns playing guitar, rockin' the drums, and belting out some tunes.

Making bread

This week in reading we read about how different types of ovens bake and cook the food that we eat. We read a piece of technical reading about how to make bread. The text gave us steps on making two different types of bread, golden discs and white bread. After dividing into four groups, two of us made the dough for the golden discs and the other two made dough for the white bread. Mrs. Marshall and Mr. Boyer then took our dough creations home that night and baked it. The next day, we got to sample our bread and make some comparisons between the two kinds.

We made many observations that included the shape, size, texture, smell, and most importantly, the taste. Almost all of us liked the fluffy white bread the best as it was sweet and soft. Only Zane liked the Golden Discs, they were small and very hard on the outside. And some of us thought that they smelled like chicken! Really?

We learned that we have to read directions very carefully so that we don't make the dough too runny and impossible to use.

SuperKids - August

Fifth grade is now officially going into it's fourth week and we are all getting used to the daily routine and the expectations of our classroom. One of the perks of being a 5th grader are the many incentives that go on throughout the classrooms. One of the best are the daily SuperKids cards that we have to get punched if we DIDN'T move our card throughout the day. At the end of the month, if we earn enough punches we get to participate in a SuperKids celebration. This past week, we had our first celebration, a 5th grade kickball game and ice cream sundaes. Even though the ice cream sundaes were awesome, our kickball game had to be cut short and continued the next day during recess because we had a whole school tornado drill. Nevertheless, it was a great time. And the best part of it was, a lot of our class made the SuperKids celebration!
We can't wait until next month's celebration, I have a feeling that it's going to ROCK!!!!

Good Luck at the Middle School

On May 21, we will say good-bye to another wonderful group of 5th grade students as next year they will move on to the middle school. We at Heusner thank those students for all of their contributions to our building and our classrooms. We all want to wish you the very best of luck in the middle school as well as the rest of your future years. Feel free to come back and visit us anytime.

Starbase Day #1

Yesterday, we finished our first day of our fifth grade field trip, a trip to the Starbase program. The program itself lasts for four days and we will be going once a week until the school year is over. While at Starbase, we learned about Newton's Laws of Motion and did several experiments and investigations with them. Our favorite had to be by far getting to ride on the homemade hovercraft. It was so much fun.

We were also able to take a tour of the Kansas State Aviation School where we were introduced to many different types of planes and helicopters as well as got to see the new full window flight simulator. They didn't have it turned on for us to see but it was big and we got a good idea as to what it might look like.

Upon returning from our tour, our flight teams had the task of rescuing a stranded astronaut named Lt. Eggbert from space and create a craft that was safe for him to land in. We were given a small bag full of supplies and told that we could only use one hand. Our Eggberts didn't fair too well with the landing from the spacecraft that we had made. All four of them cracked and oozed while one of the eggs exploded in the bag.

All in all our first day at Starbase was a lot of fun and we can't wait to get to go back next week!

SuperKids Celebration - February

February brings us another month of 5th grade SuperKids. This month those who earned the SuperKids party participated in a cookie decorating party. SuperKids got to decorate their own cookies in varies colors and designs.
Look at the photos below and vote for who you would award the following honors:

Most Messy
Most Creative
Most Color
Most Disgusting
Most Yummy