A Visit from an Author

Today we were visited by author Lisa Campbell Ernst. She has written or illustrated over 25 books for children. She talked to us about what it takes to be an author and all the things that she does to create one of her books. Ms. Ernst showed all uf some slides that showed the process she goes through to complete a book. She even drew us a picture of one of her favorite characters, Baby Bear from the book Goldilocks Returns. Goldilocks Returns was the book that we saw being made from start to published product. Heusner students asked Ms. Ernst some great questions.
"What's your favorite book?" (All of them, they're like her kids.)
"Do you have any kids?" (2 girls, age 8 and 14)
"How do you get ideas for your books?" (Always asks "What would happen if..." and usually a good story could come out of it.) This is when she told us a story about her trip to the store to get toothpaste. She misread the box that said ANTI-CAVITY but she thought it said ANTI-GRAVITY, what if that were actually true?

Lisa Campbell Ernst concluded her visit by signing autographs sor students who wanted some of her books signed. Heusner students really enjoyed the author visit as it was very interesting and exciting. I'd really like to write a book myself someday, so I was interested in the steps to publish a book. Never give up or get discouraged and don't be afraid to make many, many, many corrections and revisions.