Ballet Gran Folklorico de Mexico

On Tuesday, our class had the opportunity to see a unique dance troupe at the Steifel Theater in our hometown. There were several other fourth grade classes throughout the school district also invited to go see the dancers. Since Mexico is part of our 4th grade curriculum, the experience was great for us to get a sense of the Mexican culture. The group told a story through dance and performances which included the Mexican can can and a Mariachi band.
We really enjoyed seeing the dancers, some of the dances they performed were funny. We all especially liked the dance in which the group was hunting a deer. The dancer had the head of a deer with antlers attached to his head and made many motions and movements that made him look just like the animal. Then there were other guys with bows and arrows who chased him around the stage as if hunting him. Quite interesting to say the least.
We would like to thank the Salina Arts Center for sponsoring us and allowing us to go. And a big thanks also go out to Mrs. Vidricksen and Mrs. Hofmeier for recommending this wonderful opprotunity for us.