Freedom Dollars

For the past two months, our reading group has been collecting the Freedom Dollars from the local newspaper, Salina Journal. The dollars are in part of a story through the paper about the Underground Railroad and who can collect the most dollars through their own "network". Today was the day we turned all of ours in. We turned in a whopping total of 22,693 Freedom Dollars. Mrs. Karlin's brother-in-law (who has been recovering from surgery) spent his recovery time cutting out and collecting for our class. Through his friends at the recycling center, he was able to get several papers to cut from. He brought our class 11,508 from his cutting. Mr. Boyer's OSCAR class is indebted to Mr. who became a member of our Freedom Dollar network and hopefully helped us gather enough to win. To show our gratitude, we gave him a brand new pair of gold plated scissors (since his are probably dull after all that cutting)
If our class gets the most collected, we will earn ourselves a $200 certificate from Scholastic and an ice cream party from Dairy Queen, as well as our picture in the Salina Journal. Good luck to our class and a huge thank you to Mrs. Karlin's brother-in-law for helping us out.