O.R.E.O Project

Today our class participated in a worldwide internet project. It's called the O.R.E.O Project. The task is to see how many Oreo cookies each student can stack one on top of the other.

The rules were simple:
1. Each student will have 2 attempts to create a cookie stack.
2. Students will place one cookie on the paper plate/table cloth and then add one
cookie at a time to the stack. Their partner will tally cookies as they are stacked.
3. Students may NOT adjust the cookie after they have placed the cookie on the
stack and moved their hand away. Cookies need to be freestanding and NOT
leaning against any kind of support.
4. A tumble has occurred once 3 or more cookies have tumbled on the stack. The

complete stack DOES not need to completely tumble for it to be called a tumble.

Once everyone has completed two attempts, our goal was
to find the mean (average), median, mode, and range for our class. Our results were submitted online and added to the results of every other participating classroom throughout the world. We will be able to see how we stack up (pardon the pun) with other classrooms, when final results are tallied and released on October 17.
To see our results and pictures, you can visit our O.R.E.O. Project site at: http://www.usd305.com/heusner/teacher/Boyer/oreo%202007.htm

or see the final results from all participants at the official site: