Heusner Hot Dancers and Goal Setting

This week has been quite an entertaining one, we started off in Integrated learning ballroom dancers. We each had a partner to dance with and had a special guest come in and teach us. In a couple of weeks we are going to have a dance off with everyone in the 4th grade. Should be interesting. I like watching that. Last year, Mrs. Hendrix and myself showed the class some of our moves and danced through the gym.
Also, our state tests are coming up just around the corner and we decided to set some goals for ourselves for this year. Having met the Standard of Excellence last year in Math, we have a pretty lofty goal of 89% in Meets Standards and above on the tests this year. Our reading goal is 83%. If we work hard, both goals should be pretty easy to achieve. We can do it, but it will take a whole 4th grade team effort.