December SuperKids Celebration

This past Wednesday, we celebrated our SuperKids winners before heading home for Christmas break. Our winners were treated to a big screen movie showing of "Horton Hears a Who" and having a snack.

Our winners for the month of December were: Courtney, Easton, JZ, Ashley, Mikeala, Andrew, Justin, Taryn, and Xan. Congratulations everyone! Keep up the fantastic work. You and your other classmates regardless of the award or not are truely SUPERKIDS!

October's SuperKids

Our 5th graders celebrated their third SuperKids reward party of the year last week. Those who earned the title of "SuperKids" for October, had the opportunity to spend the morning playing board, cards, and trivia games. Some students brought their favorite board game from home to share. Everyone had a good time! Congratulations to the October SuperKids from Mr. Boyer's class: Justin, Cortney, Isaac, Mikaela, Taryn, Ashley, JZ, and Tiffany.

Monsters Invade!

Our classroom has been invaded and taken over momentarily by monsters! Monsters! Can you believe it. We are in the middle of a creative writing project about monsters. We took our pictures and created an inspiration for our stories.

Check out the creatures that our stories are about.

Prickly Pickles

Our classroom has been visited by some new guests this week, a small group of "Prickly Pickles." These creatures have come looking for the cleanest tables in the classroom. When students leave for the day, they Pickles perch themselves high above those tables that they feel are the cleanest at the end of the day. If they are undecided as to which table to choose, they then look at each students' mailboxes and cubbies to make their decisions. Upon their return the next day, students recieve a classroom ticket if their team was one that was chosen.

Periodically throughout the day, Mr. Boyer and Mr. Walters draw tickets out of the container for a classroom reward. With the help of the Prickly Pickles, the students are keeping the room stay clean before leaving for the end of the day. Thank goodness for the Pickles. Our Heroes!!!

2008-2009 Class Photo

Here is this year's class photo. I told them to give me a "tough, cool" look. This is what I got.

And for a more candid version:

Color in Science

We've been into science for two weeks now and have already seen some amazing things and made some great discoveries through demonstrations and investigations. Our science experiment for the week was to see how carefully we could follow directions while doing a lab activity. This activity took team work on everyone's part to complete the task. We experimented with different colors of water and learned how to use and read measurements on pippettes. It was a great activity and both classes (Boyer and Rorabaugh) did a fantastic job of working together, encouraging each other, and being very careful with their materials. We hope that we can do a lot of these neat experiments and investigations as the year goes along.

Below is a video of what the water looked like when we mixed it. It was really cool to watch.

Be Someone's Hero

Our 5th grade theme this year is Superheroes. Our classroom motto is "Be Someone's Hero". Heroes are looked up to and admired by many people. They always try to do what's right, even though there are some challenges or some tough decisions that might be put in front of them. Little kids especially like superheroes. We are now the oldest and biggest students in the school and so we have to show and model for the younger students good behavior and decision making at Heusner. Being a hero doesn't always mean saving the day, sometimes it means that you just do what's right and what's good not only for yourself, but for others as well.

Can you be someone's hero?

Welcome to 5th Grade!

A new year always brings me a new group of minds to shape and expand and I love seeing all the bright faces as they come in for the first day of school. We will be having a student teacher with us for the first part of the year. His name is Mr. Walters and he is from Arizona.

Being a fifth grader, brings new responsibilities. You are now the role models of the school, those who we can call upon to help make our younger students see our expectations of being a student at Heusner Elementary. I know you will be up for the task!

This year, we will be having Science in my room. Mr. Rorabaugh will be teaching us Social Studies. Mrs. Reedy and Miss Swiercinsky will be a teaching team and will switch for the same subjects.

Here's to a great fifth grade year with a wonderful new set of students!


Gregor movie still in production

I know that some of you are anxiously awaiting the release of our animated movie for Gregor the Overlander. It is still being worked on and will be up shortly. My computer decided to die on me and I am in the process of getting a new one. I haven't forgot about it. Please be patient!

5th Grade Honor Night Video

We'll see how many people actually look at the blog.
Here is a preview of one of the 5th grade videos for tomorrow night's graduation.

Ballroom Dancing

Today, the whole 5th grade went to perform their ballroom dancing routine for the State Conference of Principals at the Holidome. The students looked very professional in their dress clothes and looked great. They all danced through and around the tables while the guests at the conference at their lunch. Students performed the meranquie and the swing jitterbug in front of about 200 principals from all over the state of Kansas. The performance was followed up with a rousing roar of applause from all the guests.

After the performance, we all went to the park to eat our lunches. It was a beautiful day out with the sun shining and the wind held off long enough for us to enjoy the great outdoors for a day. This Friday, a select group of 5th graders will show off their ballroom dancing skills at the Steifel Theatre for a Salina Concert in front of the whole community. All students worked very hard and did a wonderful job during their performance today. They made Heusner Elementary and all of it's teachers and parents very proud. What a great group of 5th graders!

You can see more pictures by going to

The Great Egg Roll

Last week, Mr. Boyer's math class took part in a nationwide internet project called the Great Egg Roll. Our task was to roll a 2" plastic egg and then measure to see how far it went in feet and inches. After getting everyone's calculations, we then converted our results to only inches and we had to remember that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches. Our final task was to find the mean number of inches of the whole class.
Our class then wanted to see if the egg would roll farther with something in it. So we decided to wad up one whole sheet of paper and stuff it inside and record our results again. You can go to the following website to see our results.

5th Grade Checklist

Today we will be sending home with your student, a checklist of things that will be coming up these last few weeks of school. For 5th graders, there are a lot of events and items that your student will be looking forward to or need of importance. Look in your child's bookbag or trapper for this yellow note or you can download it by clicking the link below.

Freedom Dollars

For the past two months, our reading group has been collecting the Freedom Dollars from the local newspaper, Salina Journal. The dollars are in part of a story through the paper about the Underground Railroad and who can collect the most dollars through their own "network". Today was the day we turned all of ours in. We turned in a whopping total of 22,693 Freedom Dollars. Mrs. Karlin's brother-in-law (who has been recovering from surgery) spent his recovery time cutting out and collecting for our class. Through his friends at the recycling center, he was able to get several papers to cut from. He brought our class 11,508 from his cutting. Mr. Boyer's OSCAR class is indebted to Mr. who became a member of our Freedom Dollar network and hopefully helped us gather enough to win. To show our gratitude, we gave him a brand new pair of gold plated scissors (since his are probably dull after all that cutting)
If our class gets the most collected, we will earn ourselves a $200 certificate from Scholastic and an ice cream party from Dairy Queen, as well as our picture in the Salina Journal. Good luck to our class and a huge thank you to Mrs. Karlin's brother-in-law for helping us out.


No School Reminder!

Just a reminder to everyone that there will be no school on Friday, Mar 7, because of a teacher inservice/workday. I know you all will miss our classroom dearly and be really disappointed about having a three day weekend. Well, enjoy your time off. Maybe if you're lucky, we will have some nice weather for a change. See you all Monday!!!

Silkworm Excitement!

Mr. Boyer's OSCAR class has just become the proud parents of 46 little baby silkworms. We are raising silkworms to go along with a book that we are reading called Project Mulberry. You can see a day by day (well almost) account of what is going on from our Wiki site.

Congratulations to a Heusner Teacher

Heusner has routinely been noted about all of it's wonderful teachers on staff. So, when a teacher gets publically recognized, it makes us all beam with pride. Mr. Boyer's 5th grade class would like to hand out their congratulations to 4th grade teacher, Mr. Michel. He was awarded the Kansas Horizon Teaching Award, which is given to only a select few 1st year teachers in the state.
If you want to read more about Mr. Michel and the Horizon Award, click here:

Congratulations Mr. Michel, Heusner is honored and proud to have a teacher like you in our building.

I Believe I Can Fly

State testing is just around the corner. For 6 months our 5th grade classes have learned the material that we need to be successful on the state test. To wish us good luck, the rest of the school held an assembly for all of our Heusner test takers. We have talked about how Michael Jordan set goals for himself in order to become successful. We have done the same thing. Each student has set a personal goal as to what they want to score on their tests. The assembly featured a standing ovation from the younger grades, a sing along with the school mascot, OSCAR, and the presentation of Achievement Awards from last year's tests. The theme song for us this year has been, "I Believe I Can Fly" from the movie Space Jam. After receiving our certificates we were left with a roaring round of applause from students and teachers and the song, "We Will Rock You!"
Good luck to all of our Heusner test takers in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. DO YOUR BEST ON THE TEST! Fly high and reach your goal. We know you can do it!

Parent/Teacher Conferences

A reminder to everyone that Wednesday, Feb 13 and Thursday, Feb 14 are parent teacher conferences.
Parents: If you have a conference time that will not work for you, please be sure to contact Mr. Boyer or the office to reschedule. We will be discussing things to expect about the upcoming state tests and talking about the student math and reading packets that will be going home over the next few weeks.

Students: Our Valentine's Party will be at 2:45 on Wednesday. And there will be NO SCHOOL for you on Thursday or Friday of this week.
Mr. Boyer's OSCAR Reading Class: A reminder that your book reports are due on Friday, February 29. Please make sure that you are staying on top of what you need to get those completed and turned in.

Weird Science

Science was fun this past week. We conducted an experiment on our own that dealt with polymers and elasticity. Our main purpose for conducting the experiment was so that we good practice using the steps of the Scientific Method. Our task was to see which was more elastic a Ziploc baggie or a plactic Dixie Cup. After creating our hypothesis about what would happen, we made some startling discoveries. Some students decided to take it a step further and ask themselves, "What would happen if..." Our imaginations went wild. We were again amazed at some of our discoveries. And we learned that some times in Science, things don't always happen like we think they should.

Family Math Night

Last night was Heusner Elementary's Family Math Night. Students and their parents went from classroom to classroom playing math games together. Each grade level had two games to play. The 5th graders played Factor Bowling and Frog Games. When students had been to three rooms and played three different games, they were eligible to participate in the Math Carnival located in the gym. A good time was all as almost 200 students from grades K-5 participated with their families.

Turtle Drill

Today our class had what our school calls a "Turtle Drill". This is a drill that helps us practice what to do when something unexpected happens at our school or an unwelcome visitor is in the building. We did a wonderful job of following directions so that everyone would be kept safe. You may want to talk to your child about steps we took to stay safe.